Expand description

libp2p network handle allows for control over the libp2p network



  • SNAFU context selector for the NetworkNodeHandleError::CantKillTwice variant
  • SNAFU context selector for the NetworkNodeHandleError::ConnectTimeout variant
  • SNAFU context selector for the NetworkNodeHandleError::DHTError variant
  • SNAFU context selector for the NetworkNodeHandleError::DeserializationError variant
  • SNAFU context selector for the NetworkNodeHandleError::FailedToDeserialize variant
  • SNAFU context selector for the NetworkNodeHandleError::FailedToVerify variant
  • SNAFU context selector for the NetworkNodeHandleError::Killed variant
  • A handle containing:
  • internal network node receiver
  • SNAFU context selector for the NetworkNodeHandleError::NetworkError variant
  • SNAFU context selector for the NetworkNodeHandleError::NoSuchTopic variant
  • SNAFU context selector for the NetworkNodeHandleError::NodeConfigError variant
  • SNAFU context selector for the NetworkNodeHandleError::ReceiverEnded variant
  • SNAFU context selector for the NetworkNodeHandleError::RecvError variant
  • SNAFU context selector for the NetworkNodeHandleError::SendError variant
  • SNAFU context selector for the NetworkNodeHandleError::SerializationError variant
  • SNAFU context selector for the NetworkNodeHandleError::TimeoutError variant



  • Spawn a network node task task and return the handle and the receiver for it