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// Copyright (c) 2021-2024 Espresso Systems (espressosys.com)
// This file is part of the HotShot repository.
// You should have received a copy of the MIT License
// along with the HotShot repository. If not, see <https://mit-license.org/>.
use std::{sync::Arc, time::Duration};
use async_broadcast::broadcast;
use hotshot_task::task::{ConsensusTaskRegistry, Task, TaskState};
use hotshot_types::traits::node_implementation::NodeType;
use tokio::time::timeout;
use crate::events::{HotShotEvent, HotShotTaskCompleted};
/// The state for the test harness task. Keeps track of which events and how many we expect to get
pub struct TestHarnessState<TYPES: NodeType> {
/// The expected events we get from the test. Maps an event to the number of times we expect to see it
expected_output: Vec<HotShotEvent<TYPES>>,
/// If true we won't fail the test if extra events come in
allow_extra_output: bool,
/// Runs a test by building the task using `build_fn` and then passing it the `input` events
/// and testing the make sure all of the `expected_output` events are seen
/// # Arguments
/// * `event_stream` - if given, will be used to register the task builder.
/// * `allow_extra_output` - whether to allow an extra output after we've seen all expected
/// outputs. Should be `false` in most cases.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if any state the test expects is not set. Panicking causes a test failure
pub async fn run_harness<TYPES, S: TaskState<Event = HotShotEvent<TYPES>> + Send + 'static>(
input: Vec<HotShotEvent<TYPES>>,
expected_output: Vec<HotShotEvent<TYPES>>,
state: S,
allow_extra_output: bool,
) where
TYPES: NodeType,
let mut registry = ConsensusTaskRegistry::new();
// set up two broadcast channels so the test sends to the task and the task back to the test
let (to_task, from_test) = broadcast(1024);
let (to_test, mut from_task) = broadcast(1024);
let mut test_state = TestHarnessState {
let task = Task::new(state, to_test.clone(), from_test.clone());
let handle = task.run();
let test_future = async move {
loop {
if let Ok(event) = from_task.recv_direct().await {
if let Some(HotShotTaskCompleted) = check_event(event, &mut test_state) {
for event in input {
timeout(Duration::from_secs(2), test_future).await.is_ok(),
"Test timeout out before all all expected outputs received"
/// Handles an event for the Test Harness Task. If the event is expected, remove it from
/// the `expected_output` in state. If unexpected fail test.
/// # Arguments
/// * `allow_extra_output` - whether to allow an extra output after we've seen all expected
/// outputs. Should be `false` in most cases.
/// # Panics
/// Will panic to fail the test when it receives and unexpected event
fn check_event<TYPES: NodeType>(
event: Arc<HotShotEvent<TYPES>>,
state: &mut TestHarnessState<TYPES>,
) -> Option<HotShotTaskCompleted> {
// Check the output in either case:
// * We allow outputs only in our expected output set.
// * We haven't received all expected outputs yet.
if !state.allow_extra_output || !state.expected_output.is_empty() {
"Got an unexpected event: {event:?}",
// NOTE: We only care about finding a single instance of the output event, and we just
// iteratively remove the entries until they're gone.
let idx = state
.position(|x| *x == *event)
if state.expected_output.is_empty() {
tracing::info!("test harness task completed");
return Some(HotShotTaskCompleted);