type QuorumVoteTaskTestState = QuorumVoteTaskState<TestTypes, MemoryImpl, TestVersions>;

Aliased Type§

struct QuorumVoteTaskTestState {
Show 15 fields pub public_key: VerKey, pub private_key: SignKey, pub consensus: OuterConsensus<TestTypes>, pub instance_state: Arc<TestInstanceState>, pub latest_voted_view: ViewNumber, pub vote_dependencies: BTreeMap<ViewNumber, JoinHandle<()>>, pub network: Arc<MemoryNetwork<VerKey>>, pub membership: Arc<RwLock<StaticCommittee<TestTypes>>>, pub drb_computation: Option<(EpochNumber, JoinHandle<[u8; 32]>)>, pub output_event_stream: Sender<Event<TestTypes>>, pub id: u64, pub consensus_metrics: Arc<ConsensusMetricsValue>, pub storage: Arc<RwLock<TestStorage<TestTypes>>>, pub upgrade_lock: UpgradeLock<TestTypes, TestVersions>, pub epoch_height: u64,


§public_key: VerKey

Public key.

§private_key: SignKey

Private Key.

§consensus: OuterConsensus<TestTypes>

Reference to consensus. The replica will require a write lock on this.

§instance_state: Arc<TestInstanceState>

Immutable instance state

§latest_voted_view: ViewNumber

Latest view number that has been voted for.

§vote_dependencies: BTreeMap<ViewNumber, JoinHandle<()>>

Table for the in-progress dependency tasks.

§network: Arc<MemoryNetwork<VerKey>>

The underlying network

§membership: Arc<RwLock<StaticCommittee<TestTypes>>>

Membership for Quorum certs/votes and DA committee certs/votes.

§drb_computation: Option<(EpochNumber, JoinHandle<[u8; 32]>)>

In-progress DRB computation task.

§output_event_stream: Sender<Event<TestTypes>>

Output events to application

§id: u64

The node’s id

§consensus_metrics: Arc<ConsensusMetricsValue>

The consensus metrics

§storage: Arc<RwLock<TestStorage<TestTypes>>>

Reference to the storage.

§upgrade_lock: UpgradeLock<TestTypes, TestVersions>

Lock for a decided upgrade

§epoch_height: u64

Number of blocks in an epoch, zero means there are no epochs