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// Copyright (c) 2021-2024 Espresso Systems (espressosys.com)
// This file is part of the HotShot repository.
// You should have received a copy of the MIT License
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//! The quorum certificate (QC) trait is a certificate of a sufficient quorum of distinct
//! parties voted for a message or statement.
use ark_std::{
rand::{CryptoRng, RngCore},
use bitvec::prelude::*;
use digest::generic_array::{ArrayLength, GenericArray};
use jf_signature::{AggregateableSignatureSchemes, SignatureError};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
/// Trait for validating a QC built from different signatures on the same message
pub trait QuorumCertificateScheme<
A: AggregateableSignatureSchemes + Serialize + for<'a> Deserialize<'a>,
/// Public parameters for generating the QC
/// E.g: snark proving/verifying keys, list of (or pointer to) public keys stored in the smart contract.
type QcProverParams: Serialize + for<'a> Deserialize<'a>;
/// Public parameters for validating the QC
/// E.g: verifying keys, stake table commitment
type QcVerifierParams: Serialize + for<'a> Deserialize<'a>;
/// Allows to fix the size of the message at compilation time.
type MessageLength: ArrayLength<A::MessageUnit>;
/// Type of the actual quorum certificate object
type Qc;
/// Type of the quorum size (e.g. number of votes or accumulated weight of signatures)
type QuorumSize;
/// Produces a partial signature on a message with a single user signing key
/// NOTE: the original message (vote) should be prefixed with the hash of the stake table.
/// * `agg_sig_pp` - public parameters for aggregate signature
/// * `message` - message to be signed
/// * `sk` - user signing key
/// * `returns` - a "simple" signature
/// # Errors
/// Should return error if the underlying signature scheme fail to sign.
fn sign<R: CryptoRng + RngCore, M: AsRef<[A::MessageUnit]>>(
pp: &A::PublicParameter,
sk: &A::SigningKey,
msg: M,
prng: &mut R,
) -> Result<A::Signature, SignatureError> {
A::sign(pp, sk, msg, prng)
/// Computes an aggregated signature from a set of partial signatures and the verification keys involved
/// * `qc_pp` - public parameters for generating the QC
/// * `signers` - a bool vector indicating the list of verification keys corresponding to the set of partial signatures
/// * `sigs` - partial signatures on the same message
/// # Errors
/// Will return error if some of the partial signatures provided are invalid or the number of
/// partial signatures / verifications keys are different.
fn assemble(
qc_pp: &Self::QcProverParams,
signers: &BitSlice,
sigs: &[A::Signature],
) -> Result<Self::Qc, SignatureError>;
/// Checks an aggregated signature over some message provided as input
/// * `qc_vp` - public parameters for validating the QC
/// * `message` - message to check the aggregated signature against
/// * `qc` - quorum certificate
/// * `returns` - the quorum size if the qc is valid, an error otherwise.
/// # Errors
/// Return error if the QC is invalid, either because accumulated weight didn't exceed threshold,
/// or some partial signatures are invalid.
fn check(
qc_vp: &Self::QcVerifierParams,
message: &GenericArray<A::MessageUnit, Self::MessageLength>,
qc: &Self::Qc,
) -> Result<Self::QuorumSize, SignatureError>;
/// Trace the list of signers given a qc.
/// # Errors
/// Return error if the inputs mismatch (e.g. wrong verifier parameter or original message).
fn trace(
qc_vp: &Self::QcVerifierParams,
message: &GenericArray<A::MessageUnit, Self::MessageLength>,
qc: &Self::Qc,
) -> Result<Vec<A::VerificationKey>, SignatureError>;