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Network access compatibility

Contains types and traits used by HotShot to abstract over network access


  • An asynchronous network. Packets may be dropped entirely or delayed for arbitrarily long periods probability that packet is kept = keep_numerator / keep_denominator packet delay is obtained by sampling from a uniform distribution between delay_low_ms and delay_high_ms, inclusive
  • SNAFU context selector for the NetworkError::CentralizedServer variant
  • SNAFU context selector for the NetworkError::ChannelSend variant
  • A chaotic network using all the networking calls
  • SNAFU context selector for the NetworkError::CouldNotDeliver variant
  • A request for some data that the consensus layer is asking for.
  • SNAFU context selector for the NetworkError::FailedToDeserialize variant
  • SNAFU context selector for the PushCdnNetworkError::FailedToReceive variant
  • SNAFU context selector for the PushCdnNetworkError::FailedToSend variant
  • SNAFU context selector for the NetworkError::FailedToSerialize variant
  • SNAFU context selector for the NetworkError::Libp2pMulti variant
  • SNAFU context selector for the NetworkError::Libp2p variant
  • SNAFU context selector for the NetworkError::MemoryNetwork variant
  • SNAFU context selector for the NetworkError::MultipleErrors variant
  • SNAFU context selector for the NetworkError::NoBootstrapNodesSpecified variant
  • SNAFU context selector for the CentralizedServerNetworkError::NoMessagesInQueue variant
  • SNAFU context selector for the NetworkError::NoSuchNode variant
  • SNAFU context selector for the NetworkError::NotFound variant
  • SNAFU context selector for the NetworkError::NotReady variant
  • An partially synchronous network. Behaves asynchronously until some arbitrary time bound, GST, then synchronously after GST
  • ideal network
  • SNAFU context selector for the NetworkError::PushCdnNetwork variant
  • SNAFU context selector for the NetworkError::ShutDown variant
  • SNAFU context selector for the MemoryNetworkError::Stub variant
  • A synchronous network. Packets may be delayed, but are guaranteed to arrive within timeout ns
  • SNAFU context selector for the NetworkError::Timeout variant
  • SNAFU context selector for the NetworkError::UnableToCancel variant
  • SNAFU context selector for the NetworkError::UnimplementedFeature variant



  • represents a networking implmentration exposes low level API for interacting with a network intended to be implemented for libp2p, the centralized server, and memory network
  • Trait that bundles what we need from a request ID
  • common traits we would like our network messages to implement
  • interface describing how reliable the network is
  • Describes additional functionality needed by the test network implementation
  • a message

Type Aliases§

  • A channel generator for types that need asynchronous execution