pub type ViewMapSanitized<TYPES> = BTreeMap<<TYPES as NodeType>::Time, Leaf<TYPES>>;
Expand description

A view map, sanitized to have exactly one leaf per view.

Aliased Type§

struct ViewMapSanitized<TYPES> {
    root: Option<NodeRef<Owned, <TYPES as NodeType>::Time, Leaf<TYPES>, LeafOrInternal>>,
    length: usize,
    pub(super) alloc: ManuallyDrop<Global>,
    _marker: PhantomData<Box<(<TYPES as NodeType>::Time, Leaf<TYPES>)>>,


§root: Option<NodeRef<Owned, <TYPES as NodeType>::Time, Leaf<TYPES>, LeafOrInternal>>§length: usize§alloc: ManuallyDrop<Global>§_marker: PhantomData<Box<(<TYPES as NodeType>::Time, Leaf<TYPES>)>>